〒480-1195 愛知県長久手市岩作雁又1番地1
TEL : 0561-62-3311
氏名 | 職名 | 専門分野 |
石橋 宏之 | 特命教授 | 血管外科一般,血管内治療,特にステントグラフト手術,その他全ての血行再建術 |
児玉 章朗 | 教授 | 血管外科一般,ステントグラフト治療,腹部大動脈疾患,内臓動脈疾患,下肢動脈疾患(特に包括的高度慢性下肢虚血) |
折本 有貴 | 准教授 | 血管外科一般,ステントグラフト手術,血管内治療,下肢静脈瘤に対するレーザー焼灼術 |
丸山 優貴 | 講師 | 血管外科一般 |
三岡 裕貴 | 講師 | 血管外科一般,リンパ浮腫 |
有馬 隆紘 | 助教 | 血管外科一般 |
氏名 | 研究テーマ |
石橋 宏之 |
児玉 章朗 |
折本 有貴 |
丸山 優貴 |
三岡 裕貴 |
有馬 隆紘 |
Mitsuoka H, Orimoto Y, Hagihara M, Suzuki K, Arima T, Isaji T, Takayasu M, Ishibashi H,
Spinal Subdural Hematoma owing to the Removal of Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage Tube During Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair.
World Neurosurg. (2020) 139: 440-444.
Orimoto Y, Mitsuoka H, Imaeda Y, Arima T, Maruyama Y, Yamada T, Ishibashi H,
Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome in Siblings,
Ann Vasc Dis 13 (2): 2020; 198–201.
Mitsuoka H, Orimoto Y, Arima T, Ishiguchi T, Ishibashi H,
Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair for Pseudoaneurysms After Repair of Patent Ductus Arteriosus.
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1-6; 2020.
Mitsuoka H, Arima T, Ohmichi Y, Naito M, Hagihara M, Nakano T, Ishibashi H,
Analysis of the positional relationship between the left brachiocephalic vein and its surrounding vessels via computed tomography scan: A retrospective study.
Phlebology 35:416-423; 2020.
Mitsuoka H, Naito M, Ohmichi Y, Hagihara M, Umemoto K, Sugimoto I, Nakano Y, Ishibashi H.
The left brachiocephalic vein 'spur': A cadaveric and contrast computed tomography study.
Phlebology 34: 690-697, 2019
Maruyama Y, Ishibashi H, Sugimoto I, Yamada T, Orimoto Y, Imaeda Y, Mitsuoka H, Hosokawa K and Sato T.
Effects of patency of run-off arteries on distal bypass in critical limb ischemia
J. Aichi Med. Univ. Assoc. 47 (1/2/3), p1-11, 2019
Orimoto Y, Ishibashi H, Sugimoto I, Yamada T, Maruyama Y, Hagihara M, Ishiguchi T.
A Case of Iliac Aneurysm with Persistent Sciatic Artery Treated by Endovascular Aneurysm Repair.
Ann Vasc Surg. 2019 Apr;56:351.e17-351.e20.
Ishibashi H.
What Is Vascular Behçet's Disease?
Ann Vasc Dis. 2018 Mar 25;11(1):52-56.
Orimoto Y, Ishibashi H, Sugimoto I, Yamada T, Maruyama Y, Hagihara M, Ishiguchi T.
A case of patent ductus arteriosus in an elderly patient treated by thoracic endovascular aortic repair.
Annals of Vascular Diseases 9(4); 326-329, 2016
Ishibashi H, Ishiguchi T, Ohta T, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N and Orimoto Y.
Late Events and Mid-term Results After Endovascular Aneurysm Repair.
Surgery Today, 44(1):50-54, 2014
Hiroki Mitsuoka, Takashi Ohta, Shogo Hayashi, Toyoharu Yokoi, Takahiro Arima, Ken Asamoto, Takashi Nakano.
Histological study on the left common iliac vein spur.
Ann Vasc Dis 2014; 7:261–265.
Orimoto Y, Ohta T, Ishibashi H, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N.
The prognosis of patients on hemodialysis with foot lesions.
J Vasc Surg. 2013; 58(5): 1291-9
Ishibashi H, Ishiguchi T, Ohta T, Sugimoto I, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N, and Yuki Orimoto Y.
Remodeling of proximal neck angulation after endovascular aneurysm repair.
J Vasc Surg 2012;56(5):1201-5.
Ishibashi H, Ishiguchi T, Ohta T, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N, Orimoto Y.
Partial debranching hybrid stent graft for distal aortic arch aneurysms.
Surg Today. 2012 Aug;42(8):765-9.
Ishibashi H, Ishiguchi T, Ohta T, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N, Orimoto Y, Kamei S.
Mid-term results of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: is it possible to predict sac shrinkage?
Surg Today. 2011 Dec;41(12):1605-9.
Orimoto Y, van Keulen JW, Waasdorp EJ, Moll FL, van Herwaarden JA.
Treatment of a recurrent false aneurysm of the femoral artery by stent--graft placement from the brachial artery.
Ann Vasc Surg. 2011 Aug;25(6):841.e1-4
Ishibashi H, Ishiguchi T, Ohta T, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N, Orimoto Y, Kamei S.
Intraoperative sac pressure measurement during endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2010 Oct;33(5):939-42.
Sugimoto I, Ohta T, Ishibashi H, Iwata H, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N, Orimoto Y.
Conservative treatment for patients with intermittent claudication
Int Angiol. 2010 Apr;29(2 Suppl):55-60.
Kawanishi J, Ohta T, Ishibashi H, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Takahashi M, Yamada T, Hida N.
Quantitative assessment of therapeutic effects in the critically ischemic limb using (99m)Tc-diethylene-triamine-pentaacetic acid human serum albumin.
Surg Today. 2009;39(1):14-20.
Sugimoto I, Ohta T, Ishibashi H, Iwata H, Kawanishi J, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N, Sato T, Shimizu T.
Transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension for the evaluation of limb ischemia.
Surg Today. 2009;39(1):9-13.
Ishibashi H, Ohta T, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Kawanishi J, Yamada T, Tadakoshi M, Hida N.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery for octogenarians.
Surg Today. 2008;38(11):1004-8.
Yamada T, Ohta T, Ishibashi H, Sugimoto I, Iwata H, Takahashi M, Kawanishi J.
Clinical reliability and utility of skin perfusion pressure measurement in ischemic limbs--comparison with other noninvasive diagnostic methods.
J Vasc Surg. 2008 Feb;47(2):318-23.
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