About the Advanced Critical Care Center
University Hospital

QDWhat is tertiary critical care?

ADThere are three categories in critical care: primary, secondary and tertiary.

A primary critical care center receives and treats emergency outpatients, and it has been announced that it engages in critical care. It usually treats patients in relatively mild conditions, during nights and on holidays. Its care mostly stays within the range of simple treatment, injections drug prescription.

A secondary critical care center deals with patients in serious conditions, persons who need hospitalization. It must be staffed by physicians who have substantial knowledge and experience on a regular basis, as well as being equipped with facilities and equipment required for critical care. Patients usually need to be hospitalized for symptom observation and/or light to medium level surgical operations.

A tertiary critical care center must be equipped with a medical treatment system capable of providing comprehensive advanced treatment to emergency patients with serious conditions that cannot be dealt with at secondary centers, and involving multiple clinical departments. It must also be capable of providing advanced treatment to patients in critical conditions, as well as implementing the necessary training of related medical practitioners (physicians, nurses, paramedics, etc.)

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